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The LDC Team

The Chronic Disease Research Group, a division of the Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute, operates the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (SRTR), which manages the Living Donor Collective (LDC). Our project team is made up of dedicated individuals who work diligently to provide the best information possible to all of our stakeholders.


Project Team
Jon Snyder, PhD, MS Director, Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients 
Krista Lentine, MD, PhD Scientific Director 
Allyson Hart, MD, MS Deputy Director of Living Donor Engagement 
Amy Waterman, PhD, FAST Deputy Director of Transplant Community Engagement 
Caitlyn Nystedt, MPH, PMP Program Director, Organ Donation and Transplantation Research
Yoon Son Ahn, MS Biostatistician 
Avery Cook, MPH, MSW Project Manager 
Tonya Eberhard Marketing and Communications Coordinator 
Ahmed Habashy, PMP IT Project Manager
Patrick Johnson Database Administrator 
Katie Siegert, MPH Project Manager

 For a list of all SRTR personnel, visit the SRTR public website.