Registering Potential Donors
Transplant programs register donor candidates selected for evaluation at their first visit. Donor candidates are told about the LDC and that SRTR may contact them in the future after the evaluation, whether or not they end up donating.
If and when it is clear that the potential donor will not donate, or when two years have passed since the evaluation was completed and they have not donated, the transplant program will record the reason(s) they have not donated.
SRTR will work with transplant programs to follow up with donors after donation. SRTR will also follow up with some living donor candidates who do not donate.
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LDC Registry Design
Figure 1. Registry design and definitions
a Data on potential donors eliminated before being seen by the transplant team is not collected.
b Potential donors selected by the transplant program to be evaluated are considered to be candidates.
c Candidates are registered when a participating program enters data on the Registration Form.
d Registration is complete when the form is completed and closed to further data entry.
e Before a decision is made the form remains open and “pending”.
f SRTR linked candidate registration data to OPTN data to determine when a candidate donated.
g SRTR will collect long term follow-up data—these are not reported as part of this pilot project.